Monday Nov 14, 2022
Prayer // Invitation to the Spiritual Disciplines Series
This past Sunday we had Apprentice Sunday, a day where we actively have people lead in spaces for the first time.
A high value in our community is that everyone gets to lead and grow.
If you've been around Genesis for any amount of time you will have heard someone say, that if something is worth doing it is worth doing badly.
Every aspect on of a Sunday gathering has room for error, for mistakes, for learning opportunity, and this is why we have Apprentice Sunday's, to fight against the grain that Church needs to be run perfectly.
On this particular Apprentice Sunday:
Claire lead pre-gathering prayer, Zane and Evan lead our welcome space,
Chloe lead us in worship/praise, and Wendy co-lead the conversation with Chris on the Spiritual Discipline of prayer.
They all did so well leading our community and we are so grateful for them.